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C Program to search and delete in a singly Linked List

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delete node from linked list
Delete a node in a singly linked list just like a person breaks away from a human chain then the two persons (between whom the person was) needs to join hand together to continue the chain. We use free keyword to delete a node from linked list, first finding the node by searching in the linked list and then calling free() on the pointer that containing its address.

1. How to delete a node from linked list:

If you wish to delete head (first) node from linked list, you need to assign 'head' node to a 'temp' node and changeing the head node with next node then calling free(temp) to delete the node. If you wish to delete tail (last) node from linked list, you need to assign 'tail' node to a 'temp' node and changeing the tail node with previous node then calling free(temp) to delete the node. If you wish to delete node is any node other than the head and tail node then you need to changing the 'next' pointer of the previous node with the address of the node that is just after the deleted node.
Also Read: C Program to Search and Insert in a singly Linked List

2. C programming code to search and delete in a singly Linked List:

You need to create a linked list before search or delete node in a linked list.To know, how to create and display node in a linked list, just follow the link which is given in below:
Also Read: C Program to Create and display Linked List

2.1. Code to search in a Linked List:

2.2. Delete searched value in a linked list:

2.3. Source Code to Create, Search, insert and display a Linked List:

3. Download Source Code to search and delete node in a Linke List

Download source code to Create, Search, Insert and Display a singly Linked List from below link:
Download source code to Create, Search, insert and Display a linked list

Try this code, i am sure you will be able to delete searched value in a singly Linked List. If you have any problems about this code, then write your problems in below, we will try to solve your problems. Don’t go in a hurry, if you enjoyed this article, please subscribe to feeds and drop a comment to show your thought.

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